Core Energy Coaching
Align Your Actions With Your Purpose
Coaching Energy
As a Core Energy Coach, I've been trained using the Institute For Professional Excellence in Coaching's (iPEC) unique and powerful coaching process. Developed by founder Bruce D. Schneider, the process incorporates elements from consulting, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, Reiki, mentoring, metaphysics, quantum mechanics, NLP, adult learning theories, emotional intelligence and leadership development. Using the best of these modalities, the Core Energy Coaching process develops a powerful relationship between the coach and the client. It helps people tap into their higher purpose and passion and connect with outside goals to create extraordinary and sustainable results.
"Energy attracts like energy"
Bruce D. Schnieder
What is Core Energy?
Physicists define energy as potential for action. You might call it your sparkle, vigor, your stamina or your power. I like to think of energy as life force. Everything you do requires energy and has an energetic charge. E V E R Y T H I N G . The thoughts you think, the feelings you feel and the actions you take are all related to your energy.
Now imagine, how would you feel having more sparkle, stamina or life force? What would change if you were fully charged up with creative, exuberant, constructive energy?
How I Use Core Energy Coaching
As an iPec Certified Professional Coach, I help people during defining times of their lives. Critical moments when going backward simply isn't an option. I help people harness their energy to realize who they really are and what is really possible for them.
Transition Coaching
Boldly Moving Forward
Change is the only constant in life. Yet it's natural to feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty ahead. I coach professional and personal transitions from a proactive place. Whatever your transitions looks like, if you are transitioning into a new role, changing relationship status, or any myriad of change, I can help to navigate the unknown.
Personal Coaching
Exploration and Decisive Action
As a life long creative and explorer, I am passionate about personal, spiritual and creative growth. At the cornerstone of my coaching philosophy is the simple belief that we always have a choice, even when we're stuck and feel like we don't. I help my clients explore those choices and take action toward their goals.
Career Coaching
Working on Purpose
We spend a third of our lives at work, why waste that time being miserable? I help people find their purpose and navigate how that can translate to meaningful contribution. Let's align your passion with your profession.
Energy Leadership Index Assesment
With new awareness of your energy and the impact it has on your thoughts feelings and actions, you will be able to move from merely surviving to THRIVING. As an Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Master Practitioner I am certified to administer the ELI assessment and debrief the results.
The ELI is a unique and powerful assessment that provides profoundly valuable insight. It enables you to hold up a mirror to your perceptions, attitudes, behaviors and overall capabilities. The ELI forms the initial launching point for coaching, giving you a baseline for your current level of awareness, consciousness and performance.
The transformative debriefing process enables you to plan your customized growth roadmap.