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Sun, Mar 21



Virtual Vision Board Workshop

Spring is the season of rebirth and renewal, a perfect time to get intentional and envision what you desire in your life. Join me for this complimentary vision board workshop.

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Virtual Vision Board Workshop
Virtual Vision Board Workshop

Time & Location

Mar 21, 2021, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM


About the event

Join me this Sunday afternoon- pour a cup of tea and lets sink into ourselves. Visioning is more than just cutting an pasting pretty pictures. It's about getting intentional and deeply in touch with what you really want and desire in your life. Creating and using a vision board to guide you will help you manifest what you really want! 

You will want to have a few feel good magazines handy, a pair of scissors, a glue stick, maybe some colorful markers or pens and of course a posterboard or a peice of cardboard to mount your vision.

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